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Generations of Honeybee Stock Building/Queen Rehearing

Raising Queen Honeybees is a very important aspect of managing healthy and productive bee colonies from year to year. We are committed to working with some of the top Queen Breeders in the world to help us diversify and grow our genetic stock. Our bees are one of a kind! We Breed our queens with our Wyoming Hygienic stock and diversify the stock with artificial insemination from some of the top Breeders in the world! Currently all queens produced are for sustainable beekeeping practices, and allow us to maintain our stock and populations from year to year.

Sustainable Beekeeping with a Modern Touch

We Believe in sustainable beekeeping practices that can reduce the environmental and health risks posed to the honey bee population. For example, we store all our honeybees in cold climate sheds during the winter before spring Almond pollination starts. This allows the bees to reduce their environmental impact in California and give their hard working bee bodies a break for a few months.

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A worker bees typical day collecting your Honey

Foraging worker bees leave the hive to find their source of nectar and pollen, sometimes flying miles away to find it! -Then once the bee finds and fills her belly with nectar, she will fly back to the hive.

Once she returns to her family, she will regurgitate the honey into a wax comb cell. The honey is still moist at this stage and will have to dry before being capped. -Newly hatched worker bees vigorously “fan” their wings over the nectar, causing the liquid inside the cells to slowly dehydrate. Once the Honey is dry enough the bees will cap the cell for storage

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The Importance of Bees

Honeybees are nature’s best pollinators and we depend on them to help produce over 35 different fruits, vegetables and nuts all around the world. Without honeybees we would not have enough healthy food, and thriving plant life for our life here on earth and thus we would not be able to sustain life.

Honey bee Colonies around the world have been in decline in the last several decades and researchers and Beekeepers all around the world have been working together to find ways to keep honeybees healthy. There are so many issues the bees have to deal with, in their environment that it becomes stressful to the colony and weakens its ability to stay healthy for a period of time. The bees will stress on factors like varroa mites, seasonally moving colonies to other environments, over-crowding (holding yards), and general health problems from disease, viruses and pesticides.

The bees have a tough job to navigate their environment and find the healthiest pollen and nectar available to foster nutrition and growth for their colony. We must work together to find ways to help sustain life for the honeybee populations.

We Must….Save the Bees!!

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