307 Honey

Born for Honey

Established in 2003, 307 Honey sparked as an idea to share the great state of Wyoming’s Natural Raw Honey. Brandon and Brady Bryant work with local food groups to share their tradition and pass along value to their communities.

Their commitment to sustainability and value added beekeeping methods has allowed them to distinquish themselves and their honey from most. The passion for progressing the industry and working to improve honey bee colony health, has made these two rise above and foster new growth and success for the operation.

What makes 307 Honey taste so good?

People always tell us that the reason they keep buying our honey is for 3 BIG reasons
Moisture content- Moisture is present in all honey, 307 Honey is very low in moisture content, averaging about 13-14%. Which is hard to find!

Floral Source - Pure wild Clover/Alfalfa
Trusted Family Beekeeper for over a 100 years

307 Honey

Our Core Values

  • 307 Honey

    Sustainable Beekeeping

  • 307 Honey

    Family Tradition

  • 307 Honey

    Commitment To HoneyBee Colony Health

  • 307 Honey

    Progression of Beekeeping

  • 307 Honey


307 Honey

Why We Are The Best

We indeed do sell the best 100% fresh, natural raw honey in the US. We further vouch for this, because we take extensive care of ethically breeding and nurturing our bee population of over 10,000 healthy bee colonies in Wyoming.

Wyoming, with all its greenery, is a beautiful place to raise healthy honey bees. Due to the sprawling wide-open range in front of the yellow stone basin, our bees get the room to roam and pollinate.

As a beekeeper, 307 Honey strives to maintain healthy honeybees, not only for our honey production but to keep our bee population. We care for our bees like our family and ancestry. We advocate for the loss of the bee population through ethical beekeeping to help sustain and grow our bee population.

Our Team

307 Honey

Brady Bryant

Focused on business and sustainable honeybee practices. Brady studied business in college and seeks to help the business adapt to an ever changing market. Honeybees are in constant threat in our environment and it is our duty as beekeepers to work to innovate new practices and new ways of thinking about colony health and survival. Brady and Brandon work hard to make sure the bees are always healthy and growing in population, which helps the bees pollinate effectively and collect honey at a faster rate.
307 Honey

Brandon Bryant

Passionate about Bees and queen production, and a focus on genetic diversity. He understands the importance of honeybee health and promotes the importance of nutrition and regular treatments. He is a pioneer in this new age of beekeeping trying to survive the threat of honeybee colony loss. Brandon and Brady work close with their Dad and Uncle to ensure the bees are managed sustainably, while also promoting growth and prosperity.